In February, Ben and I found out that I was pregnant! It’s kind of crazy, but from the very beginning we both had a feeling it was twins. We really had no reason to think that, and twins don’t run in our families, but for some reason the thought of two babies kept coming to mind. I had an ultrasound in March when I was 8 weeks and sure enough there were TWO babies!
We get the same few questions quite a bit, so I’ll answer those + a few others that I’ve been asked on Instagram.
When is your due date?
I’m due October 17th.
Are you finding out the genders?
We did genetic testing which told us the genders (which we have since had confirmed by an ultrasound). We are having two boys! The picture below is our gender announcement we took while we were at Disney World!
What type of twins are they?
I can always spot a twin mom because one of the first questions they ask is what type they are. Our twins are di-di. This means that they are each in their own sac and have their own placenta.
Are they identical or fraternal?
When we did genetic testing, we were also able to find out that the boys are identical! (Many people, even doctors, assume that because they are in their own sacs they are fraternal, but I was reading that about 30% of di-di twins are identical. It just means that the egg split really, really early.)
Do twins run in your family?
Nope! Without getting too much into all of the science of twins, identical twins are totally spontaneous and genetics does not play a role in that. So even if twins did run in our families, this wouldn’t have anything to do with it. I do have a set of twin cousins, but their mom and I are not biologically related, so that doesn’t effect my chances of having twins. And again, trying not to get too scientific, but even if twins ran in Ben’s family, it wouldn’t effect us having twins. (Such a complicated answer for such a simple question!)
How have you been feeling?
Not great…actually pretty terrible! I started taking medication at 8 weeks, which has helped a ton but I still get sick and feel nauseous on occasion. I’ve been sick since about 3 weeks (before I was even able to get a positive pregnancy test). I’m currently 17 weeks and still having really hard days. So far I’ve lost about 15 pounds. I’m hopeful that I can start feeling a little bit more normal soon.
Will you be trying for a VBAC or scheduling a csection?
For those that don’t know, I had to have an emergency csection with Willa. My hope is to have a VBAC this time (vaginal birth after cesarean). In order for me to be able to try that, Baby A for sure needs to be head down (even better would be if they’re both head down!) If Baby A is breech, I will have to have a csection.
Did I answer all of your questions?? I sure hope so, but if not feel free to leave a comment or send me a message on Instagram. I’d love to answer what I can!
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