I absolutely LOVE the Young Living Seedlings Baby Wash + Shampoo! It smells so wonderful. On top of how amazing it smells, I know I’m putting a clean, non-toxic body wash on my daughter. I’m so picky with what I allow to touch her skin and I have no hesitation using this.
One of the things I love about Young Living products is that they are so concentrated, you can dilute them down quite a bit. By doing this, I am able to double the bottle of Seedlings baby wash. Clean living + being frugal?! That’s a win win in my book!
Here’s what you need for this simple little hack:
-Seedlings Baby Wash + Shampoo
-Distilled water
-16oz bottle with pump, I use these for everything and love them
All you have to do is pour the bottle of Seedling Baby Wash into a 16oz bottle, then fill the rest with distilled water. Lightly shake the bottle to mix and that’s it! So simple.
I have really enjoyed getting to use all of the Young Living products I have tried and would love to share in this enjoyment with you. If you’d like to learn more about essential oils and what it would look like to join my team, check out my essential oils page. As always, if you have any questions about oils or Young Living, send me an email {lifewithlismarie@gmail.com}.