Hatch Rest Sound Machine
This is probably my top recommendation when people ask about what to register for. We have used this every single day since Willa was born (she’s almost a year and a half) and will continue to use it for a long, long time. In addition to various sounds, it also lights up in various colors. Both the sounds and lights can be set at whatever level you desire. There is a free app that you download and can save all of your settings that you like on that. Once your child is moved out of the crib, the Hatch and become an “ok to wake clock”. For example, you can have the light set as red for night, then when it’s ok to for the child to wake up in the morning, it can be programmed to turn to green. When your child needs an alarm clock, it can do that too! We have one of these in Willa’s room and will be getting two more, one for the boys’ room and one for our room! This may seem like an expensive sound machine, but it’s really so much more than that!
Ubbi Diaper Pail
Before having kids, I was a nanny for many years. Because of that I have used many diaper pails with the different families I worked for. Let me tell you that the Ubbi is by far my favorite out of all of them! Probably my favorite feature is that you can use whatever bags you want. This will save you a ton of money over time by not having to buy specific bags that fit the diaper pail.
Baby Brezza
When I originally told Ben about this item and that I wanted to get it, he looked at me like I had two heads and thought I was crazy to spend so much on something that was as simple as making a bottle. I eventually talked him into using the gift cards we had been gifted to get this. We were about 3-4 weeks into parenthood when Ben said that this was 100% worth the money. If you are going to be formula feeding, I definitely recommend checking this product out! We even brought this when we would travel out of town. Fun tip that we learned way too late into the game: when you’re sleep deprived and press “start” and there’s not a bottle under the dispenser, there’s actually a “stop” button you can press to stop the disaster of a mess. Learn from our mistakes, ha!
Electric Nail File
I always avoided cutting Willa’s nails when she was a newborn because the nail clippers seriously scared me. A friend showed me this nail file and I immediately bought it. Cutting baby and toddler nails are so easy now! It’s such an inexpensive item that makes life so much easier.
Diaper Cream Spatula
Random, yes? This is one of those things that seems so silly but it’s so nice to have. It makes spreading the diaper cream so much easier and leaves your hands clean. Side note: we have used a few diaper rash creams, and the Young Living Seedlings Diaper Rash Cream is by far my favorite. This stuff works fast (I’m talking we put it on her at night and by morning the rash is completely gone) and it doesn’t have icky ingredients that their skin will absorb.
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