I’ve recently become a member with Young Living and I have loved discovering new products and being able to fill our home with clean, non-toxic products. One of my favorite products is the Lushious Lemon Foaming Hand Soap. Guys, I didn’t know I could love a soap so much. It smells so amazing!
On top of finding non-toxic products to add to our home, I also love a good deal and figuring out ways to stretch my money farther. Because Young Living products are so concentrated, many of the items can be diluted down and one bottle can turn into multiple bottles. So today I’m sharing how I turn one bottle into three!
When you get your bottle of soap, pour two thirds into a separate container to store (I use a mason jar). With one third of the soap remaining in the original container, fill the rest of it up with distilled water. Add the foaming pump to the top and that’s it! Super simple, right?
I have really enjoyed getting to use all of the Young Living products I have tried and would love to share in this enjoyment with you. If you’d like to learn more about essential oils and what it would look like to join my team, check out my essential oils page. As always, if you have any questions about oils or Young Living, send me an email {lifewithlismarie@gmail.com}.
Thanks for checking out this hack, I’ll be sharing more in the weeks to come!